English Learner Programs

English Language Development
OPA welcomes all English learner students and their families. We value the unique experiences, cultures, and expertise that our English learners bring to our community. Our schools provide the academic, social, and cultural supports necessary for our English learners to become fully proficient in English.
Our teachers and staff care deeply about our students, ensuring that our English learners are making appropriate academic progress while feeling safe and supported. Staff members engage in a collaborative culture of continuous learning, develop and maintain communications systems that create collective engagement among all stakeholders, and engage all students in a challenging 21st-century learning experience.

Contact Deirdre Didion at [email protected]
English Learner Program Coordinator
Facts about English Learners
  • In the 2022-23 school year, there were approximately 1.113 million (19.01%) English learners in California public schools.
  • A total of 2,310,311 students (English Learners and Fluent English Proficient) speak a language other than English in their home. This number represents about 39.5 percent of the state's public school enrollment. 
For more facts about English Learners, visit the California Department of Education site: HERE
Resource Links
Multilingual Preschoolers - How educators can support multilingual students at the preschool level. 
Resource Documents


Reclassification Presentation - October 2023