Emergency Communications

Oxford Preparatory Academy (OPA) Communications Office will communicate with families when there is an emergency or crisis situation. Reviewing the information on this page can help families understand when and how to expect communications from OPA in specific situations. 
Depending on the circumstances, there are times when OPA will communicate with the broad community of families. Other times OPA may communicate only with families within a specific school, families in a specific grade or classroom, or only families of students involved in a situation. 

How does OPA communicate in emergency or crisis situations?

OPA will communicate with families and our communities through a variety of channels:
  • Parent Square - our communication portal allows us to communicate with families through email, text, and telephone. Please make sure your contact information is up to date in your student portal so you receive these communications. 
  • Social media - depending on the type of emergency, we may use social media to communicate to a wider community. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. 
  • Website - alerts may also be placed on the front page of our website. These will be monitored and updated regularly with current information. 
Please ensure your contact information is up to date in the parent portal.
Also in the parent portal, keep your emergency contacts up to date. This list is what will be referenced regarding who is eligible to pick up your child from school in the event of an emergency. 

Factors considered in OPA emergency or crisis communications

  • Whether there is a potential threat to safety that may impact students. 
  • If there is a disruption or change to normal school operations.
  • Student and staff privacy.
  • If the event involves a law enforcement investigation.
  • Whether the event is school-specific or organization-wide (in determining who receives the communication.)
If the following are present, then families can expect to receive communications from OPA:
Lit day sign
There is a potential risk or threat to the safety and security of students and staff.
Lit day sign
Their child may be impacted by a situation in the classroom or in the nearby vicinity.
Lit day sign
There is a change to normal school operations that will impact families, particularly with pick-up, drop-off, and dismissal.