Virtual Learning Program

Lit day sign
What is the Virtual Learning Program?
  • A premier online learning program.
  • Direct instruction by highly qualified, credentialed OPA professors.
  • Regularly scheduled class sessions and small group sessions.
  • Synchronous (live) and asynchronous (independent) learning every day.
Lit day sign
Why enroll in the Virtual Learning Program?
  • Allows for flexible scheduling.
  • Many students thrive in a virtual learning environment. 
  • Virtual students can still access in-person after-school clubs, activities, and sports at OPA sites.
  • Class size maximum is 12:1.
Phone: (949) 540 - 7800
Frequently Asked Questions


How do I enroll my student in the OPA Virtual Learning Program for the 2025-26 school year?


New families should fill out an application on our application site,



Can I still apply for the 2024-2025 school year?


Please contact the school office for information: [email protected]


 If my student is currently enrolled in OPA’s seat-based program, can I switch to the OPA Virtual Learning Program?


The OPA Virtual Learning Program is open to all current and prospective families. If a student is in the regular seat-based program, he or she may switch to the OPA Virtual Learning Program. However, the student must re-apply at to get back on the waitlist if they wish to return to the seat-based program.  In other words, they will forfeit their seat in the seat-based program by switching to the virtual program.


If I am on the waiting list for the seat-based program, what happens if I apply for the OPA Virtual Learning Program?


If you apply for the OPA Virtual Learning Program, you will remain on the waiting list for the seat-based program.


Will I have priority on the waitlist for a seat-based program if I enroll in the Virtual Learning Program?

Visit our admission page for admission preferences and priorities: Admission Page


Will OPA Virtual Learning Program students have scheduled Zoom meetings with teachers and classmates?


The OPA Virtual Learning program combines synchronous and asynchronous instruction and activities. Students will attend regularly scheduled Zoom sessions each week for all academic subject areas. Students will also attend regular weekly small group support sessions for targeted intervention and enrichment. Students will also be required to complete asynchronous, independent activities and assignments.


Will Middle School Virtual Learning students still have the opportunity to take a world language?


Like all OPA middle school students, OPA Virtual Learning Program students will be enrolled in a world language  (Spanish), where they will participate in asynchronous instruction and activities.


Will OPA Virtual Learning Program students participate in physical education?


Per California Education Code §51222, all students are required to have a specific amount of physical education minutes per week. OPA Virtual Learning Program students are not exempt from this requirement. Therefore, OPA Virtual Learning Program students will be required to complete asynchronous instruction and activities to meet the physical education requirements. A credentialed PE teacher will collect asynchronous assignments and provide grades for the students.


Will OPA Virtual Learning Program students use the same curriculum as seat-based students?


All OPA students use the same adopted, standards-based curriculum for core academic subjects.


What is synchronous and asynchronous learning?


Synchronous – live instruction done virtually via videoconferencing in real-time. Students and teachers meet together virtually at specific times. Incorporates face-to-face interactions for students and teachers.


Asynchronous – coursework delivered through the web, email, Google Classroom, etc. Not real-time. Does not include real-time interactions between teachers and students. May include videos or independent activities.